Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 10....delicious

My co-worker and good pal Jocelyn "JociePants" Greene-McHugh brought me a cupcake this afternoon. It was one of the most delightful cupcakes I have ever seen. I used my little pocket digital camera to capture the colorful sprinkles. Thanks Jocelyn!

Monday, March 30, 2009

7,8,9...Playing Catch-Up!

My adventure with Jacqui to Charleston caused a slight delay in posting as we had more exciting things to do than to use the hostel's free wifi and post pictures. It was a great weekend and it felt really good to head out somewhere "new" with my camera. (I've been to Charleston before but not with my camera.) I even had the pleasure of giving Jacqui some mini-photography lessons. I hope that they were helpful!

Saturday's Photograph: On our bikeride from the Not-So-Hostel we saw an old firehouse. I like this photograph because of the red and the symmetry.

Sunday's Photograph: This is the bridge that leads out of Charleston. I thought the architecture of the bridge was very interesting and it turned out to be a decent photo, even though it was taken from a moving car.
Today's Photograph: I didn't have my camera in my bag today so I had to come up with a creative shot in the apartment (since I'm feeling too tired/lazy to head out). I chose to photograph my Butterfly Box, which is a very special gift that I received from my 8th grade English Teacher. It has been on my shelf so long that I often forget that I even have it. It was nice to revisit it and think back on what it means to me.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The great city of Florence...

Jacqui and I made it safely to Florence, SC for a pit stop in our journey to Charleston. We will be getting up bright and early to get to our destination where we will have a grand adventure staying in a hostel and seeing the sights. Below is my picture of the day which I just took in our Days Inn room.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

5 down, 360 to go...

Thursday is Trivia Day and my day of jubilee each week. A group of us head out to a local establishment that has trivia. It's a lot of fun and is something that I look forward to each week. It is nice to have a countdown that ends sooner than Friday! Tonight Jacqui (former co-worker, current friend and co-author) brought the foot of a toy squirrel that her dog had ripped apart. This picture is of my co-worker/friend Matt clutching it between his hands and making a squirrel face. Did he leave the gas on?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Project 365 Day #4

Today's picture is of my file folder holder on my desk at work. It features (clockwise from the top left): my favorite picture of Eddie and me from our wedding, a ticket from a trip to Montpelier that I took by myself as a photo-field trip, some lyrics from Rent, JMU football tickets, a picture of my dad from a camping trip, metro ticket from DC (from the Amy b-day surprise weekend), metro ticket from Chicago (Logan's recital weekend, which was so amazing) and a map of Cape Cod (my favorite place to travel). I like to look at these items on busy days or on slow days when I need a little escape. Each item brings happy memories.

(Kodak AF, automatic setting, no flash)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 3 of the Project: Dedicated to Brandi McKee

I brought my little pocket digital to work with me and took some pictures of my desk (more specifically the things on it) but wasn't thrilled with them so I had to find inspiration elsewhere...thankfully Eddie had his RAs over for RA Appreciation and he purchased some lovely Peeps for them. I placed them in a big glass rather than putting them out on a plate. I realized that they were kind of artsy and so took the glass of blue ones into our music/photography/spare room and set up a light to shine on them. I am pleased with how they turned out.

I dedicate this photograph to Peep Enthusiast Brandi McKee:

(Canon Rebel XTi: ISO 400, 1/100, F7.1)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Photo #2

Eddie and I went for a walk after work through the neighborhood that is behind East Campus. The trees are starting to flower and bloom, which is nice to see. It makes me feel like Spring is really here even though I'm sure it will continue to flip-flop between dreary cold and unseasonably warm all in the same span of 48 hours.

(Kodak AF little digital that fits in my pocket: Automatic setting)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Project 365 Introduction and Photo #1

I have been inspired by an old high school friend (Thanks Beryl!) to start my own photography blog to post a picture a day for an entire year. More information about the project idea can be found online at: http://photojojo.com/content/tutorials/project-365-take-a-photo-a-day/

I am going to make an effort to actually post the photographs on the day that I take them but I have a feeling I may have to do a few at a time on occasion based on schedule, motivation, Internet availability, etc.

I am excited about this project because it will force me to use a camera every day, even if it my little pocket digital. It also gives me a creative outlet, which will be good for me.

And so I give you Photograph #1....This is a photograph of Ella, the daughter of some friends from work. We were at Eddie's intramural softball game. I had my camera out and she was goofing around and "hiding" every time I pointed the camera towards her. I didn't have the camera up to my eye and got her to turn around when I snapped this, hence the cut off bottom part of her face. I still think it's a pretty cute shot, mostly because she's a pretty cute kid.

(Canon Rebel XTi: 1/250, F/11, ISO 100)