Sunday, March 22, 2009

Project 365 Introduction and Photo #1

I have been inspired by an old high school friend (Thanks Beryl!) to start my own photography blog to post a picture a day for an entire year. More information about the project idea can be found online at:

I am going to make an effort to actually post the photographs on the day that I take them but I have a feeling I may have to do a few at a time on occasion based on schedule, motivation, Internet availability, etc.

I am excited about this project because it will force me to use a camera every day, even if it my little pocket digital. It also gives me a creative outlet, which will be good for me.

And so I give you Photograph #1....This is a photograph of Ella, the daughter of some friends from work. We were at Eddie's intramural softball game. I had my camera out and she was goofing around and "hiding" every time I pointed the camera towards her. I didn't have the camera up to my eye and got her to turn around when I snapped this, hence the cut off bottom part of her face. I still think it's a pretty cute shot, mostly because she's a pretty cute kid.

(Canon Rebel XTi: 1/250, F/11, ISO 100)

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