Thursday, April 29, 2010

Still not uploading...

Well, the photos still aren't uploading for some odd reason so I'm sitting on the text for all of the entries. So for those of you with vivid is the entry sans photos. I'm hoping this gets fixed soon so I can do an actual update!

29/395: Having Some Fun

I shot some headshots of the summer orientation "Crew Leaders." We did some normal shots but I also had them do some fun shots as well. This is Bryan who is my campus stalker....but in a good way. I manage to see him more than I see most students...good thing I like him. :-) (Not sure if he reads this blog or not....Hi Bryan!)

30/396: 12 Inches

I've been growing my hair out for quite some time now and finally got it cut to donate. They ended up cutting 12 inches. I'll be sending it off to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program. I'm enjoying my new hair cut!

31/397: Guest Photographer

Eddie had the good camera with him in New York City with the field trip he was chaperoning so his Friday photo is far better than mine...he snapped this beautiful shot from the Circle Line boat tour of NYC.

32/398: Quality Meats

I spent Saturday in NYC with Meredith and Eleni. They are of Eddie's friends from High School that I have been lucky enough to inherit. I really like spending time with them and loved the day we spent together on Saturday in the city...tasty lunch, time at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, amazing dinner at Quality Meats and then seeing Kelsey Grammer (Frasier) in the revival of La Cage Aux Folles. A great city day!

33/399: Happy Birthday, Pop Pop!

The family managed to surprise loyal blog reader PopPop with a dinner party at Aldo's for his 21st birthday. (I won't disclose his actual age here...haha) He was really surprised and it was really nice to have so many family members all together to celebrate him. I'm very fortunate to have inherited Eddie's family too....I really do love them.

34/400: Retro Monday

I've been feeling less than inspired with the blog lately so I am going to use this week to feature photos I've taken in the past that I really enjoy in the hopes of getting reinspired.

This first retro shot is a portrait of friend Reggie. He's a really talented individual with talents ranging from graphic design to rapping. I did a photoshoot with him a long time ago and I had a really good time with it. This is one of my favorites from the shoot.

35/401: Retro Tuesday

The second retro shot is of my mom, her sisters and her mother in a corn field by my parent's house. I did a mini-shoot with them when they were together in November of 2008. It was a fun afternoon.

36/402: Retro Wednesday

My third retro shot is one I captured at the beautiful wedding of Tarah and Sam. I saw Tarah today so I thought it was appropriate to use this one today. I'd like to say that I capture images like this all of the time but this was really just a fluke of settings and timing.

37/403: Retro Thursday

This photo never fails to make me smile because it really captures the personality of Amy and Dan. They've been in my thoughts recently as they just had a little boy named Owen. :-) I am so happy for them and can't wait to meet him!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I have the last week's update ready but the photos aren't loading for some reason. I will keep trying but I wanted to post just because it's been a week.

Thanks for your patience, loyal readers!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Note to Readers

It's been a crazy week here and I am very much looking forward to a weekend away. I'll be heading up to Jersey/NYC for the weekend so I'll do a big Wednesday-Monday recap on Monday.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

28/394: Simple Gifts

I had a long and challenging day at work today but was struck by the new blog of Deanna, one of our Orientation Student Directors and blog reader. She has started a photoblog of her own to capture "life's little wonders" around her. It got me thinking at the end of my long day about some of the simple things in life that I really enjoy. One of those things is having a pen that writes nicely. There are a few other people I know (including some blog know who you are...JOCELYN) that feel the same way about a good pen, especially in the office. We sometimes have to hide our good pens since they are such a hot commodity!

Monday, April 19, 2010

27/393: Playing with My Food

I usually just buy the generic "Easy Mac" at Harris Teeter but this week Kraft was on sale for less than the generic.....AND the pasta are in the shapes of animals!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend Update

24/390: Nighty Night

I stayed home while Eddie went to watch hockey on Friday night. The work week had been pretty long and I just wanted to relax. I fell asleep during Jeopardy and woke up two hours later...clearly I needed the rest! I set up the camera on the armrest of the couch and snapped this later in the evening after I work up a little.

25/391: PhotoField Trip

I have known Susan for a number of years now. She was an RA on campus and has been a student worker in our office this year. She is a phenomenal student and I have really enjoyed getting to know her better this year. She is graduating this May and will be attending Princeton Theological Seminary (yes, THAT Princeton) in the fall. Though I will miss her in the office I am looking forward to hearing about her adventures.

Susan and I headed out to a local park on Saturday for a PhotoFieldTrip. It was a beautiful day and it was so nice to get out and enjoy nature.

26/392: Deals for Leroy

Eddie and I have taken to calling the baby "Leroy" ever since Katie joked about us naming him Leroy Jethro after the main character Gibbs on the TV Show NCIS.

We stopped in at Babys R Us this afternoon with our coupon and reusable bag that got us 25% off baby clothes. We scoured the clearance racks and ended up with outstanding deals. Here is the spread of all seven items we ended up with for $6.14!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

23/389: Jagernauts Back In Action

Sadly I am unable to play kickball this season but I am excited to be a fan to support the team. The opening game of the season ended with a tie game but against one of the league's top teams.

24/390: Halfway There!

Technically I'm cheating because Eddie took this but I wanted to post this to mark the halfway mark of the pregnancy. It feels like it's been forever but it has also gone quickly at the same time.

Photos don't really do the baby bump's there!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

22/388: Piggy!

I got this pig cookie at the end of the work day. I told my dad about it on the phone and he reminded me of a joke and suggested this as a photo of the day:

The joke:

A tourist on a farm asked the farmer why one pig had a wooden leg.

The farmer said, "That pig is the bravest pig I ever saw."

"So why does he have a wooden leg?" the tourist asked.

"One night, our house caught on fire, and he came inside and woke us all up."

The tourist asked again, "So, why does that pig have a wooden leg?"

"You can't eat a pig that brave all at once!"

Monday, April 12, 2010

Weekend Update

19/385: Already Driving...

We got to spend some fun time with the Rossettini family on Saturday. It was a beautiful day so we took some time to hang out in their backyard. Little Hannah is getting so big already and is a recent new owner of a sporty car!

20/386: Fun With Santoro

I got a chance to spend a little time with the RA (Resident Assistant) staff of one of our residence halls. Their Hall Director Krystal asked that I take some photos of them as a staff. They are a really fun group of students. I snapped some photos of smaller groups that I really liked but thought this group shot was fun too since they were good sports about getting up in the tree.

21/387: What's In A Name

Since Eddie and I are still without a name for our kiddo (I know it's only been four days since we found out it's a boy) I'm on the lookout for names. I'm borrowing a family geneaology book that traces the lineage of the Stark family, which is on my dad's side. The book is really awesome compilation of history starting with ancestors in the mid-1400s. My favorite part of the stories are in the 1700s when the family came over to the colonies. John Stark, of "Live Free or Die" fame, falls in this period and there are a lot of interesting stories. I love the little notes by some of the names including Thomas Jefferson Cameron. SHE was given the name before she was born and her "stubborn, Scotch father refused to chang it when the child proved to be a girl." They called her "Jeffie."

Once the book hits the kids born around 1900 I lose interest. Old stories are much better than the newer ones....i.e. falling off a horse on Long Island beats graduating from Syracuse with a degree in System Engineering.

Friday, April 9, 2010

18/384: The Search Begins...

Of course the only name Eddie and I had decided on was for a little girl so we're in the search for a name for our little boy. A friend from work loaned us a baby name book that is separated into many categories...including this one:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

17/383: It's a...

This morning we went to the doctor and got to see quite a bit of our little one. We got to see femurs and ulnas, four heart chambers and......we got to find out that we will be having a little boy!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Big Update!

I've been delinquent in updating but I have the photos for each we go:

13/379: Easter Time!

Each year CNU's Residence Hall Association hosts an Easter Egg Hunt. Eddie and I have gone almost every year that we have been here and always enjoy it. This year there were tons of kiddos and also this:

14/380: Last Minute Adventure

A friend from college (and avid Duke fan AND blog reader....Hi Julie!) posted on her Facebook that she might be taking a trip to the Duke vs. Butler NCAA Men's Basketball Championship in Indianapolis....but she needed someone to go with her. It got me thinking about going....long story short, Julie couldn't go but Kathleen and I decided at 10:00pm on Sunday that we'd drive up. This is a quick shot of my bags and cooler ready to go.

15/381: One Shining Moment

I could take up a million entries talking about how amazing it was to be at the Championship Game. Instead, I'll post this picture as it really sums up why I love Coach K and the Duke Boys so much.

16/382: My BFF MKB

I am lucky enough to have my best friend live close enough to where we can see each other pretty regularly. She came up tonight for kickball practice (she's taking my place on the team this season...hehe) and stayed for dinner. She's also spending the night and coming with us to the doctor for the grand gender unveiling of the baby. I snapped this of her with her new Duke shirt, fresh from Indy.

Friday, April 2, 2010

12/378: Little Monkey

I've been looking at this outfit at Kohl's since before we even knew for sure that we were pregnant. We finally bought it tonight and will know on Thursday (if the baby cooperates) if it will be a boy or girl wearing it.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

11/376: Carmaleta

After work today I had the pleasure of getting to practice my portrait skills with Carmaleta. She is a senior here at CNU that does graphic art work for our offices. She is also engaged to one of the clarinet players from the marching band here. She was very easy-going and fun to work with....and even climbed up on one of the lions at the Lion's Bridge! I can't wait to edit the rest of her portraits.