Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Big Update!

I've been delinquent in updating but I have the photos for each we go:

13/379: Easter Time!

Each year CNU's Residence Hall Association hosts an Easter Egg Hunt. Eddie and I have gone almost every year that we have been here and always enjoy it. This year there were tons of kiddos and also this:

14/380: Last Minute Adventure

A friend from college (and avid Duke fan AND blog reader....Hi Julie!) posted on her Facebook that she might be taking a trip to the Duke vs. Butler NCAA Men's Basketball Championship in Indianapolis....but she needed someone to go with her. It got me thinking about going....long story short, Julie couldn't go but Kathleen and I decided at 10:00pm on Sunday that we'd drive up. This is a quick shot of my bags and cooler ready to go.

15/381: One Shining Moment

I could take up a million entries talking about how amazing it was to be at the Championship Game. Instead, I'll post this picture as it really sums up why I love Coach K and the Duke Boys so much.

16/382: My BFF MKB

I am lucky enough to have my best friend live close enough to where we can see each other pretty regularly. She came up tonight for kickball practice (she's taking my place on the team this season...hehe) and stayed for dinner. She's also spending the night and coming with us to the doctor for the grand gender unveiling of the baby. I snapped this of her with her new Duke shirt, fresh from Indy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay, I made the blog!

So, does Julie get a shirt too? Haha. I am so glad you still ended up going! Wish I had been there as well, but life has a way of making us be adults sometimes, whether we like it or not.

Go Duke!! :D