Sunday, May 23, 2010

Owen Robert

Note to readers: Thank you for your patience as I was figuring out what was going on with not being able to upload photos. During that time I must admit that I took a break from taking photos every day. After over a year of taking photos everyday on top of being tired from work/being pregnant, it was nice to take that break. I know I have a lot of loyal readers out there so the blog will continue but there may be days that I don't post simply because there isn't anything particularly photo-worthy to note.

This weekend Eddie and I paid a visit to Amy and Dan and their new little guy Owen. It was a lot of fun to get away for the weekend and to spend time with them. Owen is just 5 weeks old and a little sweetheart. It got me looking forward even more to getting to meet our own little guy in a few months.

During our visit I got to harass Owen with my camera. I took a bunch of photos and had a few decent ones come out. Here are a few of my favorites:

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