Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools!

I was reading an article online this morning about funny office pranks. One of them mentioned popping keys off of the computer keyboard and rearranging them. This was a prank that was listed as "perfect for the hunt and peck typer." One of my bosses (Vice President of Student Services) is very much one of these typers so I decided to go for it. I took my letter opener back to his office and rearranged his keyboard so that it had his first name (Maury) in the top row. He came back to his office and a little while later came out to my desk, looking amused. He mentioned that he had been trying to type an "r" but it kept coming out an "o". He then saw his name on his keyboard, which was something he had "never noticed before." It was pretty funny. I took a picture of the keyboard before I fixed it.

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