Wednesday, December 2, 2009

256: I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing In

Tonight was the CNU Holiday Tree Lighting in the Library. It's a fun little event with a child of a staff member getting to press the button to light the tree and Santa coming to visit. I took the Santa photos this year, which was amusing. I snapped this as little Julia Larson (daughter of a co-worker of mine) got to light the tree. Very cute.

Sidenote on the blog post title: There was a small vocal ensemble that sang holiday songs before the tree was lit. One was "I Saw Three Ships", which I always enjoy at campus events. Christopher Newport (the man) sailed over to Virginia from England on the Susan Constant (sometimes known as the Sarah Constant), which was one of three ships that came over with the Virginia Company of London. (For you trivia buffs the other two ships were the Godspeed and the Discovery.) Anyways. Long story short, it's neat for the carol to be played/sung on campus given the connection of Christopher Newport with a group of three ships.

1 comment:

KT said...

Wow - total nerd cred for that Christmas carol / Christopher Newport pull. Why doesn't someone pay you millions of dollars again? That connection, to me, is worth it's weight in gold! (Granted, it's a thought ... and I guess has no weight ... so not much gold ... but regardless ... you rock my socks!)