Friday, August 13, 2010

8-12 and 8-13

8-12-2010: DCI!

Drum Corps International, for those of you who are unfamiliar, is like major league marching band. Take everything you might know about your local high school marching a band and multiply it by a million. It's intense and an amazing testament of what young people can do when they commit to something greater than themselves. It's a pretty insane product they put out, especially by the end of the season, which is right now.

I went to the local movie theater that was hosting a simulcast of Quarterfinals. I went by myself, which I did not mind, but ended up sitting with a former professor/friend of mine who was also there by himself.

The shows were amazing and it was a great way to spend the evening.

I only had my handheld digital and the lighting was bad but here is the signage outside the theater:

If you aren't familiar with DCI, I recommend the following YouTube videos of shows to help you to better understand:

-The Cavaliers are always visually ridiculous. This show isn't my favorite but gives you a good visual idea of how complex and precise (and difficult!) their moves are.

-The Cadets 2002 show is probably a good one for the "DCI beginner" since it's some familiar music and a good theme. The show was "An American Revival" and the timing was perfect for the first season post-9/11. This isn't the whole show but it has my favorite part at the 6:30 mark. It still gets me all choked up to watch it, remembering how emotional everyone was because of what the country had gone through that year.

-For you band geeks, one of my very favorite shows is the 1997 Cadets show. I mean, you can't go wrong with a little Sparke.

-Like what you see? YouTube is full of show videos to amuse you for hours.

8-13-2010: Hail to the Redskins!

I'm not a huge NFL fan (college basketball is my sport of choice) but enjoy watching games and grew up watching the Redskins. They are playing their pre-season opener tonight so I took out my authentic/"vintage" Jay Schroeder jersey. My parents and I all had these jerseys since it is our last name and he even pronounces it the same way!

Sidenote: I was chatting with a student today about the Skins and, once again, enjoyed being able to talk sports. If I had to make a list of the top five things I like about myself, one of them is that I can talk knowledgably about many sports. It's helped me build relationships with people in different offices on campus, connect with some students and just generally brings enjoyment in interactions. So, a shoutout and thank you to my jock mom for raising me that way. (No offense to my dad...but mom's the jock in the family!)

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