Tuesday, May 12, 2009

52: Don't be offended by my frank analysis...

I was at the local Music & Arts getting two new books for my piano student when I saw that they had a sale that would get you 30% off of your purchase if you got three music books. I began to browse a little more and saw a "Piano Duet Play Along" book for Wicked. It's a duet book so if I ever come across another piano player that likes musicals we can rock it out...but in the meantime, I can play along with the included CD. It's pretty cool because the CD has a track for each part so I can learn both parts and play along.

Anyways...it was starting to get late in the day and I needed a shot still (dumb pocket camera had a dead battery today so I missed getting to take pictures of all of the things Eddie and I pulled out of our storage room to sell at a yard sale on Saturday) so I flipped through the book and took a few different pictures. I like this one the most.

(Sidenote: The title of this post is a shout-out to all of you music-reading, Wicked fans.)

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