Monday, June 29, 2009


It's hard to believe that I've been doing this project for 100 days now. Time really does fly. For those of you new-comers to the blog I started my Project 365 after being inspired by a high school friend who started her own. To read about the project, you can visit:

I really have enjoyed the challenge of finding a photo each day and learning more about my camera and about photoshop. It has been a really nice outlet for me creatively and I look forward to continuing.

Tonight was the final Crew Leader show of the 2009 Orientation season here at CNU. (Crew Leaders are CNU students that assist the students here for orientation and they also put on a very creative show of well-known songs/commercials/etc. that are rewritten to be about CNU and being a first year student.

My favorite (and probably the favorite of most people) is a take-off of Bohemian Rhapsody that involves students having parents that don't want them to go to college and just aren't ready to let them go so they attach long ropes to them. It is a hilarious sketch. (Hopefully we'll get a video posted so you all can see it.) Anyways. The photo of the day is from that particular sketch. Gold stars to all.

P.S. New summer layout in honor of 100!


Kay said...

someone changed her layout!

KT said...

I like the new layout. It's very happy and Bethy.

(Beelzebub has a devil put aside for meeeeeee ....)