Tuesday, July 7, 2009

108: Aesthetic Experiences

Tonight Eddie and I met up with my parents at the Drum Corps International show over in Suffolk. For those of you not familiar, DCI is marching band's "major league" where young adults come together, rehearse like mad and tour the country to earn scores to hopefully win finals in August. The musicianship, precision, and teamwork is amazing to watch.

I was very glad that we made the trip to the show because the Cadets and Carolina Crown performances were amazing. (You can't go wrong with Bernstein and Copland!)

I took a lot of pictures over the course of the evening and had a hard time narrowing my choice down. I ended up choosing two....both of guard. I know I'm cheating with having two but I have my reasons:

#1: I loved these flags and was pleased that I captured a nice shot of them. I used Photoshop to show just the color of the flag and make the rest of the photo black and white. I am quite pleased with the result.

#2: This is a shot of the color guard of the Carolina Crown. A friend from JMU (who marched snare, played oboe in symphonic band and marched guard for the Cavaliers!) is on staff with them so I wanted to send him a shout-out even though I wasn't able to spot him on the sidelines tonight. The Crown guard looked great!


Red said...

how do you do the color on black and white?! I have been trying forever to figure that one out!

Unknown said...

Awesome photos! I SOOOO wish I could have made it to the show. I haven't seen anything DCI in far too long!

Beth Seavers said...

Hey there stranger! (Loved seeing that you have a blog too!!)

I was able to do the color/B&W using the layer tool in the Photoshop program that I have. (I think I just have the Photoshop Elements...not the full-blown program.) I really enjoy the effect.