Monday, August 17, 2009

149: 'Cause we've got no time to fool around around here

Today was a busy day at work and I ended up staying late because we were supposed to have gotten our orientation student booklets between 7 and 8. I got more done between 5-9 than I did between 8-5, which was good. I turned up my Broadway internet station and plowed through some work once everyone was gone. Eddie and I headed home around 9 and picked up two slices of pizza from Azzurri (which Marco wouldn't let us pay for) on the way. We relaxed at home for al ittle bit before heading back out to meet the delivery lady who arrived at 10:50. Goodtimes.

I snapped a shot of a stack of file folders on my desk before I left work tonight. Nothing too exciting but it does sum up my day.

Tomorrow freshmen move in....where the heck did summer go?!

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