Sunday, November 29, 2009

251, 252 & 253: What a Weekend!

251: Blue Devils

On Friday morning I picked Tim up and we headed north to New Jersey to meet up with Eddie for their high school reunion. Thanks to Duke University's basketball win on Wednesday night we also were able to go to the NIT Final game at Madison Square Garden. It was probably the most fun I've had at a sporting event...the crowd was really into the game and the teams did not disappoint.....AND Duke won!

Here is Scheyer lining up for a free throw during the last few minutes of the game: The best part of the game was finding out where the team and coaches left the arena to meet their buses. It was worth the wait in the cold because I got to see the players and coaches up close. It was so awesome....seriously awesome.
The class reunion after the game was also a lot of fun...just not as photo-worthy. :-)

252: New Jersey Devils
Yesterday we headed out with Tim, Ellen, Kevin, Karen and Mike to Newark for a New Jersey Devils Hockey Game. It was a really fun game that ended with a 6-1 win over the Islanders.
253: Christmas Village

Eddie and I took a little bit of time on Wednesday before heading out for Thanksgiving travels to start to set up our Christmas Village. We decided to put it up in our main room and I'm looking forward to getting it completely plugged in and putting all of the little people and objects in the town.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

SO JEALOUS of 251!!!!!!

That is all. :)